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Altintas, I., K. Marcus, V. Vural, S. Purawat, D. Crawl, G. Antoniu, A. Costan, O. Marcu, P. Balaprakash, R. Cao, et al., A Collection of White Papers from the BDEC2 Workshop in San Diego, CA,” Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-19-13: University of Tennessee, October 2019.  (8.25 MB)
Youseff, L., K. Seymour, H. You, J. Dongarra, and R. Wolski, The Impact of Paravirtualized Memory Hierarchy on Linear Algebra Computational Kernels and Software,” ACM/IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Boston, MA., June 2008.  (403.89 KB)
Bassi, A., M. Beck, G. Fagg, T. Moore, J. Plank, M. Swany, and R. Wolski, The Internet BackPlane Protocol: A Study in Resource Sharing,” Proceedings of the second IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID 2002), Berlin, Germany, October 2002.
Bassi, A., M. Beck, J. Plank, and R. Wolski, Internet Backplane Protocol: API 1.0,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-01-464, January 2001.  (55.33 KB)
Beck, M., D. Arnold, A. Bassi, F. Berman, H. Casanova, J. Dongarra, T. Moore, G. Obertelli, J. Plank, M. Swany, et al., Middleware for the Use of Storage in Communication,” Parallel Computing, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1773-1788, August 2002.  (87.97 KB)
Youseff, L., K. Seymour, H. You, D. Zagorodnov, J. Dongarra, and R. Wolski, Paravirtualization Effect on Single- and Multi-threaded Memory-Intensive Linear Algebra Software,” Cluster Computing Journal: Special Issue on High Performance Distributed Computing, vol. 12, no. 2: Springer Netherlands, pp. 101-122, 00 2009.  (451.07 KB)
Ramakrishan, L., D. Nurmi, A. Mandal, C. Koelbel, D. Gannon, M. Huang, Y-S. Kee, G. Obertelli, K. Thyagaraja, R. Wolski, et al., VGrADS: Enabling e-Science Workflows on Grids and Clouds with Fault Tolerance,” SC’09 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (to appear), Portland, OR, 00 2009.  (648.82 KB)
Casanova, H., T. Bartol, F. Berman, A. Birnbaum, J. Dongarra, M. Ellisman, M. Faerman, E. Gockay, M. Miller, G. Obertelli, et al., The Virtual Instrument: Support for Grid-enabled Scientific Simulations,” International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 3-17, January 2004.  (282.16 KB)
Casanova, H., T. Bartol, F. Berman, A. Birnbaum, J. Dongarra, M. Ellisman, M. Faerman, E. Gockay, M. Miller, G. Obertelli, et al., The Virtual Instrument: Support for Grid-enabled Scientific Simulations,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (submitted), October 2002.  (282.16 KB)