Recovery Patterns for Iterative Methods in a Parallel Unstable Environment,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, UT-CS-04-538, 00 2005.
(241.36 KB)
“Recovery Patterns for Iterative Methods in a Parallel Unstable Environment,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-04-04, January 2004.
(241.36 KB)
“Prospectus for the Next LAPACK and ScaLAPACK Libraries: Basic ALgebra LIbraries for Sustainable Technology with Interdisciplinary Collaboration (BALLISTIC),”
LAPACK Working Notes, no. 297, ICL-UT-20-07: University of Tennessee.
(1.41 MB)
“The Problem with the Linpack Benchmark Matrix Generator,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-621 (also LAPACK Working Note 206), June 2008.
(136.41 KB)
“Performance Optimization and Modeling of Blocked Sparse Kernels,”
ICL Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-04-05, 00 2004.
(229.58 KB)
“Parallel Tiled QR Factorization for Multicore Architectures,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Dept. Technical Report, UT-CS-07-598 (also LAPACK Working Note 190), 00 2007.
(277.92 KB)
“How LAPACK library enables Microsoft Visual Studio support with CMake and LAPACKE,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also LAWN 270), no. UT-CS-12-698, July 2012.
(501.53 KB)
“Hierarchical QR Factorization Algorithms for Multi-Core Cluster Systems,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also Lawn 257), no. UT-CS-11-684, October 2011.
(405.71 KB)
“Distributed-Memory Task Execution and Dependence Tracking within DAGuE and the DPLASMA Project,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-10-02, 00 2010.
(400.75 KB)
“Distributed Dense Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms on Massively Parallel Architectures: DPLASMA,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-10-660, September 2010.
(366.26 KB)
“Designing LU-QR hybrid solvers for performance and stability,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report (also LAWN 282), no. ut-eecs-13-719: University of Tennessee, October 2013.
(4.11 MB)
“Computing the Conditioning of the Components of a Linear Least Squares Solution,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-07-604, (also LAPACK Working Note 193), January 2007.
(374.97 KB)
“A Class of Parallel Tiled Linear Algebra Algorithms for Multicore Architectures,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-07-600 (also LAPACK Working Note 191), January 2007.
(274.74 KB)
“Algorithmic Based Fault Tolerance Applied to High Performance Computing,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, UT-CS-08-620 (also LAPACK Working Note 205), January 2008.
(313.55 KB)
“2016 Dense Linear Algebra Software Packages Survey,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-EECS-16-744 / LAWN 290: University of Tennessee, September 2016.
(366.43 KB)
“Numerical Linear Algebra on Emerging Architectures: The PLASMA and MAGMA Projects
, Portland, OR, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC09), November 2009.
(3.53 MB)
Self Adapting Numerical Software SANS Effort,”
IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 50, no. 2/3, pp. 223-238, January 2006.
(357.53 KB)
“Rounding Error Analysis of the Classical Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process,”
Numerische Mathematik, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 87-100, January 2005.
(157.48 KB)
“Rectangular Full Packed Format for Cholesky's Algorithm: Factorization, Solution and Inversion,”
ACM TOMS (to appear), 00 2009.
(896.03 KB)
“Rectangular Full Packed Format for Cholesky's Algorithm: Factorization, Solution and Inversion,”
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 37, no. 2, April 2010.
(896.03 KB)
“Rectangular Full Packed Format for Cholesky’s Algorithm: Factorization, Solution, and Inversion,”
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 37, no. 2, Atlanta, GA, April 2010.
(896.03 KB)
“Recovery Patterns for Iterative Methods in a Parallel Unstable Environment,”
SIAM SISC (to appear), May 2007.
(241.36 KB)
“QCG-OMPI: MPI Applications on Grids,”
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 357-369, March 2010.
(1.48 MB)
“QCG-OMPI: MPI Applications on Grids.,”
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 435-369, January 2011.
(1.48 MB)
“Prospectus for the Next LAPACK and ScaLAPACK Libraries,”
PARA 2006, Umea, Sweden, June 2006.
(460.11 KB)
“Prospectus for the Next LAPACK and ScaLAPACK Libraries,”
PARA 2006, Umea, Sweden, June 2006.
(460.11 KB)
“The Problem with the Linpack Benchmark Matrix Generator,”
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 5-14, 00 2009.
(136.41 KB)
“Predicting the electronic properties of 3D, million-atom semiconductor nanostructure architectures,”
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 46, vol. :101088/1742-6596/46/1/040, pp. 292-298, January 2006.
(644.1 KB)
“Parallel Tiled QR Factorization for Multicore Architectures,”
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 20, pp. 1573-1590, January 2008.
(277.92 KB)
“On the Parallel Solution of Large Industrial Wave Propagation Problems,”
Journal of Computational Acoustics (to appear), January 2005.
(1.08 MB)
“Parallel Dense Linear Algebra Software in the Multicore Era,”
in Cyberinfrastructure Technologies and Applications: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 9-24, 00 2009.
“NanoPSE: A Nanoscience Problem Solving Environment for Atomistic Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Nanostructures,”
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, issue 16, pp. 277-282, June 2005.
(476.64 KB)
“Multithreading in the PLASMA Library,”
Multi and Many-Core Processing: Architecture, Programming, Algorithms, & Applications: Taylor & Francis, 00 2013.
(536.28 KB)
“Mixing LU-QR Factorization Algorithms to Design High-Performance Dense Linear Algebra Solvers,”
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 85, pp. 32-46, November 2015.
(5.06 MB)
“Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement Techniques for the Solution of Dense Linear Systems,”
International Journal of High Performance Computer Applications (to appear), August 2007.
(157.4 KB)
“LU Factorization for Accelerator-Based Systems,”
IEEE/ACS AICCSA 2011, Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt, December 2011.
(234.86 KB)
“Level-3 Cholesky Factorization Routines Improve Performance of Many Cholesky Algorithms,”
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), vol. 39, issue 2, February 2013.
(439.46 KB)
“The Impact of Multicore on Math Software,”
PARA 2006, Umea, Sweden, June 2006.
(223.53 KB)
“Hierarchical QR Factorization Algorithms for Multi-core Cluster Systems,”
Parallel Computing, vol. 39, issue 4-5, pp. 212-232, May 2013.
(1.43 MB)
“Exploiting the Performance of 32 bit Floating Point Arithmetic in Obtaining 64 bit Accuracy,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Tech Report, no. UT-CS-06-574, LAPACK Working Note #175, April 2006.
(221.39 KB)
“Exploiting the Performance of 32 bit Floating Point Arithmetic in Obtaining 64 bit Accuracy,”
University of Tennessee Computer Science Tech Report, no. UT-CS-06-574, LAPACK Working Note #175, April 2006.
(221.39 KB)
“Exploiting Mixed Precision Floating Point Hardware in Scientific Computations,”
In High Performance Computing and Grids in Action (to appear), Amsterdam, IOS Press, 00 2007.
(122.01 KB)
“Exploiting Mixed Precision Floating Point Hardware in Scientific Computations,”
in High Performance Computing and Grids in Action, Amsterdam, IOS Press, January 2008.
(92.95 KB)
“Exploiting Mixed Precision Floating Point Hardware in Scientific Computations,”
in High Performance Computing and Grids in Action, Amsterdam, IOS Press, January 2008.
(92.95 KB)
“Disaster Survival Guide in Petascale Computing: An Algorithmic Approach,”
in Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications (to appear): Chapman & Hall - CRC Press, 00 2007.
(260.18 KB)
“Conjugate-Gradient Eigenvalue Solvers in Computing Electronic Properties of Nanostructure Architectures,”
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (to appear), January 2005.
(428.21 KB)
“Conjugate-Gradient Eigenvalue Solvers in Computing Electronic Properties of Nanostructure Architectures,”
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 3/4, pp. 205-212, 00 2006.
(428.21 KB)
“Computing the Conditioning of the Components of a Linear Least-squares Solution,”
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 517-533, 00 2009.
(374.97 KB)
“Computing the Conditioning of the Components of a Linear Least Squares Solution,”
VECPAR '08, High Performance Computing for Computational Science, Toulouse, France, January 2008.
(374.97 KB)
“A Class of Parallel Tiled Linear Algebra Algorithms for Multicore Architectures,”
Parallel Computing, vol. 35, pp. 38-53, 00 2009.
(274.74 KB)