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Petitet, A., S. Blackford, J. Dongarra, B. Ellis, G. Fagg, K. Roche, and S. Vadhiyar, Numerical Libraries and The Grid,” International Journal of High Performance Applications and Supercomputing, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 359-374, January 2001.  (67.09 KB)
Petitet, A., S. Blackford, J. Dongarra, B. Ellis, G. Fagg, K. Roche, and S. Vadhiyar, Numerical Libraries and The Grid: The Grads Experiments with ScaLAPACK,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Technical Report, no. UT-CS-01-460, January 2001.  (91.78 KB)
Cronk, D., B. Ellis, and G. Fagg, Metacomputing: An Evaluation of Emerging Systems,” University of Tennessee Computer Science Department Technical Report, no. UT-CS-00-445, July 2000.  (280.21 KB)