How to Build Your Own Deep Neural Network
: PEARC20, July 2020.
(18.8 MB)
Integrating Deep Learning in Domain Science at Exascale (MagmaDNN)
, virtual, DOD HPCMP seminar, December 2020.
(11.12 MB)
Integrating Deep Learning in Domain Sciences at Exascale,”
Innovative Computing Laboratory Technical Report, no. ICL-UT-20-10: University of Tennessee, August 2020.
(1.09 MB)
“Integrating Deep Learning in Domain Sciences at Exascale,”
2020 Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (SMC 2020), August 2020.
“MagmaDNN 0.2 High-Performance Data Analytics for Manycore GPUs and CPUs
: University of Tennessee, January 2019.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14906.64961 (7.84 MB)
MagmaDNN: Accelerated Deep Learning Using MAGMA,”
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’19), Chicago, IL, ACM, July 2019.
(1.09 MB)
“MagmaDNN: Towards High-Performance Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data-Driven Scientific Computing,”
ISC High Performance, Frankfurt, Germany, Springer International Publishing, June 2019.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34356-9_37 (1.37 MB) (8.72 MB)
“OpenDIEL: A Parallel Workflow Engine and DataAnalytics Framework,”
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’19), Chicago, IL, ACM, July 2019.
(1.48 MB)