# Sample batch script for a mpi job # # Submit this script using the "llsubmit" command: llsubmit mpi.ll # # Use the "llq" command to check the status of a job. # # Lines starting with #@ are embedded loadleveler directives. # To comment out a loadleveler directive, put # in front of #@ #@ shell = /usr/bin/csh #@ job_type = parallel # copy all environment variables to batch job #@ environment = COPY_ALL # Send email when job completes # (notification options: always,start,error,complete,never) #@ notification = always # Specify job class #@ class = batch # Charge job to project abc (recommended for users with multiple projects) # [If project is invalid, a valid project will be automatically selected] ##@ account_no = abc # Specify number of MPI processes #@ tasks_per_node = 2 # Specify memory = amount per MPI process # For mpi, ConsumableCpus is always 1, and it must be specified. #@ resources = ConsumableCpus(1) ConsumableMemory(100Mb) # Specify the wall clock limit = hrs:min:sec #@ wall_clock_limit = 00:01:00 # Specify the name of the job #@ job_name = mpi_hello # Specify the standard output and standard error for the job # They will be written in the subdirectory from which llsubmit is run #@ output = $(job_name).out #@ error = $(job_name).err ##@ requirements = (Machine == "cu12") # This has to be the last loadleveler directive #@ queue ########################################################## # set the path variable setenv PATH ${PATH}:/u/ac/fwolf/bin # run mpi executable cone ./mpi_hello_d