Grid Application Deployment Software

The goal of the Grid Application Development Software (GrADS) Project is to simplify distributed heterogeneous computing in the same way that the World Wide Web simplifed information sharing over the Internet. The GrADS project will explore the scientific and technical problems that must be solved to make grid application development and performance tuning for real applications an everyday practice.

The University of Tennessee's efforts in the GrADS (Grid Application Deployment Software) projects are mainly related to the seamless deployment of numerical libraries over the grid. This consists of the following subtasks.

* Developing reliable performance models for the different numerical libraries.
* Developing easy-to-use interfaces for the library writers.
* Evolving checkpointing strategies for the numerical libraries.
* Developing scheduling mechanism that coordinate different user jobs over the grid.

Apart from the deployment of numerical libraries, we also collaborate with other researchers from different Universities and provide inputs in the fields of

* Performance monitoring
* Rescheduling of applications and
* GrADS software design (GrADSoft).

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