9th JLESC workshop, Knoxville USA (April 15-17 2019)

9th JLESC Workshop


The workshop gathers leading researchers in high-performance computing from the JLESC partners INRIA, the University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, RIKEN R-CCS and The University of Tennessee to explore the most recent and critical issues in advancing the field of HPC from petascale to the extreme scale era.

The workshop will feature sessions on these seven central topics:

  • Applications and mini-apps
  • Parallel Programming models and runtime
  • Performance tools
  • Resilience
  • Big Data, I/O and in-situ visualization
  • Numerical methods and algorithms
  • Advanced architectures

In addition, dedicated sessions on computational fluid dynamics, computational biology and climate/weather research are planned.

A key objective of the workshop is to identify new research collaborations and establish a roadmap for their implementation.

The workshop is open to Illinois, INRIA, ANL, BSC, JSC, Riken R-CCS and UTK faculties, researchers, engineers and students who want to learn more about Post-Petascale / Pre-Exascale Computing.

4th floor UT Conference Center

UT Conference Center 4th floort


Track 1 Track 2 Track 3
07:30 Registration & Breakfast
08:30 Opening
Robert Speck, Yves Robert, Jack Dongarra and George Bosilca, UTK
Franck Cappello, ANL Marc Snir, UIUC
09:00 Plenary: Delivering on the Exascale Computing Project Mission for the U.S. Department of Energy
Kothe, Douglas B (ORNL)
Session chair: Jack Dongarra
10:00 Break
Session chair: Atsushi Hori

Session chair: Jakub Kurzak

Session chair: Michela Taufer
12:00 Lunch
session moved on Wednesday (PTM3.1)

Session chair: Robert Speck
Session organizer: Piotr Luszczek
15:00 Break
Session chair: Daniel Katz

Session chair: Gabriel Antoniu

Session chair: Stan Tomov
17:30 Adjourn
19:00 Social Event Dinner at Calhoun's on the River (upstairs)

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Plenary: Not Your Grandfather’s Tractor – How AI & IoT Are Transforming Production Agriculture
Mark Moran (John Deere)
Session chair: Brendan McGinty
09:30 Break
Session chair: Hartwig Anzt

Session chair: Rosa Badia
ARM (more info)
Session organizer: Mitsuhisa Sato
12:00 Lunch
Session chair: Christian Perez
ARM (more info)
Session organizer: Mitsuhisa Sato
14:00 Session organizer: Kazutomo (Kaz) Yoshii
16:00 Poster Sessions @ Hilton Hotel, Hiwassee Room (Lobby level)
17:30 Social event: Riverboat Dinner and Celebration (meeting at the dock at 17:50, the boat leaves at 18:00 SHARP)

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3
07:30 Breakfast
08:30 Plenary: Programming workflows for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Platforms
Rosa Badia (BSC)
Session chair: Franck Cappello
09:30 Break
Session chair: Ruth Schoebel

Session chair: Bogdan Nicolae
Session organizer: Laxmikant (Sanjay) Kale
12:00 Lunch
Session chair: Jon Calhouns

Session chair: Ana Gainaru
15:00 Closing
19:00 Closing Dinner: Lonesome Dove

Agenda Items 

Title Presenter
Not Your Grandfather’s Tractor – How AI & IoT Are Transforming Production AgricultureMark Moran
John Deere

After some background on the sweeping changes happening in agricultural technology as a result of General Purpose Technologies, Mark will discuss how AI and IoT are merging on the farm, creating some compelling problems to be solved on the edge.

Programming workflows for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure PlatformsRosa M. Badia
Barcelona Supercomputing Center

In the design of an advanced cyberinfrastructure platform (ACP), that involve sensors, edge devices, instruments, computing power in the cloud and HPC, a key aspect is how to describe the applications to be executed in such platform.
Very often these applications are not standalone, but involve a set of sub-applications or steps composing a workflow. The scientists then rely on effective environments to describe their workflows and engines to manage them in complex infrastructures.

COMPSs is a task-based programming model that enables the development of workflows that can be executed in parallel in distributed computing platform. The workflows that we currently support may involve different types of tasks, such as parallel simulations (MPI) or analytics (i.e., written in Python thanks to PyCOMPSs, the Python binding for COMPSs). COMPSs, through and storage interface, makes transparent the access to persistent data stored in key-value databases (Hecuba) or object-oriented distributed storage environments (dataClay).

While COMPSs has been developed from its early times for highly distributed environments, we have been extending it to deal with more challenging environments, with edge devices and components in the fog, that can appear and disappear.

Delivering on the Exascale Computing Project Mission for the U.S. Department of EnergyDouglas B. (Doug) Kothe
Oak ridge National Laboratory

The vision of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Exascale Computing Project (ECP), initiated in 2016 as a formal DOE project executing through 2023, is to accelerate innovation with exascale simulation and data science solutions that enhance U.S. economic competitiveness, strengthen our national security, and change our quality of life. ECP’s mission is to deliver exascale-ready applications and solutions that address currently intractable problems of strategic importance and national interest; create and deploy an expanded and vertically integrated software stack on DOE HPC exascale and pre-exascale systems, thereby defining the enduring US exascale ecosystem; and leverage U.S. HPC vendor research activities and products into DOE HPC exascale systems. The project is a joint effort of two DOE programs: the Office of Science Advanced Scientific Computing Research Program and the National Nuclear Security Administration Advanced Simulation and Computing Program. ECP’s RD&D activities are carried out by over 100 teams of scientists and engineers from the DOE national laboratories, universities, and U.S. industry. These teams have been working together since the fall of 2016 on the development of applications, software technologies, and hardware technologies and architectures:
Applications: Creating or enhancing the predictive capability of applications through algorithmic and software advances via co-design centers; targeted development of requirements-based models, algorithms, and methods; systematic improvement of exascale system readiness and utilization; and demonstration and assessment of effective software integration.
Software Technologies: Developing and delivering a vertically integrated software stack containing advanced mathematical libraries, extreme-scale programming environments, development tools, visualization libraries, and the software infrastructure to support large-scale data management and data science for science and security applications.
Hardware and Integration: Supporting U.S. HPC vendor R&D focused on innovative architectures for competitive exascale system designs; objectively evaluating hardware designs; deploying an integrated and continuously tested exascale software ecosystem at DOE HPC facilities; accelerating application readiness on targeted exascale architectures; and training on key ECP technologies to accelerate the software development cycle and optimize productivity of application and software developers.
Illustrative examples will be given on how the ECP teams are delivering in these three areas of technical focus, with specific emphasis on recent work on the world’s #1 supercomputer, namely the Summit leadership system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Title Presenter Project Abstract
PT M1.1Comparing the performance of rigid, moldable and grid-shaped applications on failure-prone HPC platformsThomas HeraultOptimization of Fault-Tolerance Strategies for Workflow Applications
Monday 10:30
Using Lossy Compression for Linear Solver ResilienceMirco AltenberndEffective Use of Lossy Compression for Numerical Linear Algebra Resilience and Performance
Exploring the Variability and Error Distributions of Lossy Compression AlgorithmsJon Calhoun (Clemson University)Checkpoint/Restart of/from lossy state
Reducing the memory footprint in Krylov methods through lossy compressionNick Schenkels (Inria) Checkpoint/Restart of/from lossy state
PT M1.2Review on standard eigensolvers on a high-end GPU systemToshiyuki Imamura (RIKEN)HPC libraries for solving dense symmetric eigenvalue problems
Monday 10:30
Adding Inter-Node Communication to a C++ Tasking Framework for Synchronization-Critical ApplicationsIvo Kabadshow (JSC)Scalability Enhancements to FMM for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Fast Integrators for Scalable Quantum Molecular DynamicsAlina Kononov (UIUC)Fast Integrators for Scalable Quantum Molecular Dynamics
Solving the Bethe-Salpeter eigenvalue problem on thousands of coresXiao Zhang (University of Illinois)The ChASE library for large Hermitian eigenvalue problems
PT M1.3Evaluating OmpSs2 Runtime for XMP 2.0 PGAS Task ModelJinpil Lee (RIKEN R-CCS)Sharing and extension of OmpSs2 runtime for XMP 2.0 PGAS task model
Monday 10:30
Analyses and Transformations for Reverse Mode Differentiation of OpenMPJan Hueckelheim (Imperial College London / Argonne)Shared Infrastructure for Source Transformation Automatic Differentiation
Performance of S-Step and Pipelined Krylov MethodsIchitaro Yamazaki (UTK)Reducing Communication in Sparse Iterative and Direct Solvers
Designing Scalable Solvers for Enlarged Krylov Subspace MethodsShelby Lockhart (University of Illinois)Reducing Communication in Sparse Iterative and Direct Solvers
PT A1.2Project update: Developer tools for porting and tuning parallel applications on extreme-scale parallel systemsBrian Wylie (JSC)Developer tools for porting and tuning parallel applications on extreme-scale parallel systems
Monday 13:30
On the Applicability of PEBS based Online Memory Access Tracking for Heterogeneous Memory Management at ScaleLeonardo Bautista (BSC)Deep Memory Hierarchies
Monitoring MPI and forecasting network usageBogdan Nicolae (ANL)Towards accurate network utilization forecasting using portable MPI-level monitoring
Preliminary Result of MPI International SurveyAtsushi Hori (Riken)MPI International Survey
PT A3.1Rescaling Transient Distributed Storage SystemsNathanaël CheriereReconfiguring Distributed Storage Systems on HPC infrastructures
Wednesday 13:30
Experiment Management and Repeatability Services in ChameleonKate KeaheyAdvancing Chameleon and Grid'5000 testbeds
Improving the Performance and Energy Efficiency of HPC Applications Using Autonomic Computing TechniquesEric Rutten, InriaImproving the Performance and Energy Efficiency of HPC Applications Using Autonomic Computing Techniques
Leveraging Blob-Based Storage for Stream ProcessingPierre Matri, ANLTowards Blob-Based Convergence Between HPC and Big Data
PT A3.2Heterogeneous Hierarchical Workflow CompositionOrçun YILDIZ (ANL)Extreme-Scale Workflow Tools - Swift, Decaf, Damaris, FlowVR
Wednesday 13:30
Evaluating OpenCL Kernels for FPGA platformsZheming JinEvaluating high-level programming models for FPGA platforms
Cultivating a community about FPGA-HPC platformsKazutomo Yoshii (ANL)Evaluating high-level programming models for FPGA platforms
Status of the Simplified Sustained System performance benchmark ProjectMiwako Tsuji (RIKEN)Simplified Sustained System performance benchmark
Toward MPI-based Workflow Execution: Applications and StandardizationJustin M. Wozniak (ANL)Resource Management, Scheduling, and Fault-Tolerance for HPC Workflows