November 2006 B
High Productivity Computing Systems and the Path Towards Usable Petascale Computing
Pedro C. Diniz, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California
Jeremy Abramson, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California


The lack of tools that can provide programmers with adequate feedback at a level of abstraction the programmers can relate to makes the problem of performance prediction and thus of performance portability in today’s or tomorrow’s machines extremely difficult. This paper describes SLOPE – the Source Level Open64 Performance Evaluator. SLOPE uses an approach to the problem of performance prediction and architecture sensitivity analysis using source level program analysis and scheduling techniques. In this approach, the compiler extracts the computation’s high-level data-flow-graph information by inspection of the source code. Taking into account the data access patterns of the various references in the code the tool uses a list-scheduling algorithm to derive performance bounds for the program under various architectural scenarios. The end result is a very fast prediction of what the performance could be but, more importantly, the reasoning of why the predicted performance is what it is. We have experimented with a real code that engineers and scientists use in practice. The results yield important qualitative performance sensitivity information that can be used when allocating computing resources to the computation in a judicious fashion for maximum resource efficiency and/or help guide the application of compiler transformations such as loop unrolling.

1. Introduction and Background

Modern, high-end computers present a complex execution environment that makes performance understanding and performance portability extremely difficult. Programmers go to extreme lengths to manually apply various high-level transformations, most notably loop-unrolling, in an attempt to expose more Instruction-Level-Parallelism (ILP) and thus take advantage of micro architecture features such as pipelining, super-scalar and multi-core characteristics. The lack of performance prediction and analysis tools that can provide feedback to the programmer about the performance leaves the programmer in an uncomfortable position. Without understanding why the performance is what it is, the programmer is forced to search for the best possible transformation sequences by trial and error. Furthermore, existing performance understanding tools provide feedback at a very low level of abstraction, such as cache miss rates or clocks-per-clock-cycle providing no clue as to what the bottlenecks that lead to such metric values are.

Earlier approaches to performance modeling and understanding were purely empirical. Researchers developed representative kernel codes of large-scale applications such as the NAS Parallel1 and the SPEC.2 By observing the performance of these kernels on a given machine one could extrapolate in a qualitative fashion, the performance behavior of a real application. More recently researchers have developed models for the performance of parallel applications by examining its memory behavior.3 4 Other work has focused on modeling the behavior of an application by first accurately characterizing the running time of the sequential portions of the application using analytical modeling based on intimate knowledge of the applications mathematics and empirical observations to extract the corresponding parameter values.5 On the other end of the spectrum, cycle-level simulators for architecture performance understanding at a very low level are simply too slow for realistic workloads. As a result, the simulations tend to focus on a minute subset of the instruction stream or use sampling techniques, and are thus limited to very focused architectural analyses.

This article describes an alternative approach to the problem of performance prediction and architecture sensitivity analysis using source level program analysis and scheduling techniques. In this approach, the compiler first isolates the basic blocks of the input source program and extracts the corresponding high-level data-flow-graph (DFG) information. It then uses the high-level information about the data access patterns of array references to determine the expected latency of memory operations. Once the DFG of each basic block, most notably the ones in the body of nested loops is extracted, the compiler tool uses a list-scheduling algorithm to determine the execution time of the computation. This scheduling makes use of the DFG as well as the functional resources available in the architecture like the number of load/store or functional units and for specific operation latency values.

While this approach has the advantage of being less sensitive to the specific details of an existing machine and not taking into account, with accuracy, the effects of a given compiler, it offers other benefits that instruction-level instrumentation-based performance analysis tools cannot offer. First, it is much closer to the source code and thus can provide feedback to the programmer about which operations (not necessarily instructions) can lead to performance bottlenecks. For example, if the schedule reveals that an indirect array access is accessed randomly, it can determine that this load operation will exhibit a high memory latency and thus stall the pipelining of a functional unit. Under these scenarios the compiler can notify the programmer of the operations that are very likely to cause severe performance degradation. Second, and because it operates at a much higher level we do not require any sort of lengthy low-level instrumentation that requires the code to be executed to extract (sampled) traces. Finally, we are free to emulate future architecture features, such as dedicated custom functional units (e.g., gather-scatter unit), or even emulate some operations in memory by assigning specific costs to specific subsets of the DFG in a computation.

We have experimented with this approach using UMT2K, a synthetic kernel modeled after a real physics photon transport code. 6 Using this computational kernel, our tool determines qualitatively that in the absence of loop unrolling no more than two functional arithmetic units are needed to attain a level of performance that is consistent with the critical path of the computation. When the core is unrolled by a factor of four, no more than four functional arithmetic units are needed. In the context of a multi-core architecture, this information would allow a compiler to schedule and adapt its run-time execution strategy to unroll just the required amount depending on the available units.

The rest of this article is organized as follows. In the next section we describe in more detail the technical approach of our tool and how it allows performance predictions, and we perform architectural sensitivity analysis. Section 3 presents the experimental results for our case study application – the UMT2K kernel code. We present concluding remarks in section 4.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

Reference this article
"SLOPE - A Compiler Approach to Performance Prediction and Performance Sensitivity Analysis for Scientific Codes," CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 2, Number 4B, November 2006 B. http://www.ctwatch.org/quarterly/articles/2006/11/slope-a-compiler-approach-to-performance-prediction-and-performance-sensitivity-analysis-for-scientific-codes/

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