Mark Gates
I am a research assistant professor at the Innovative Computing Laboratory at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My research is in the solution of linear algebra problems on modern computers with multi-core and GPU architectures, as part of the SLATE, PLASMA, and MAGMA projects. I received my Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where my research investigated the parallel implementation of digital volume correlation, a method used in mechanical engineering. Previously, I worked at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), researching high-performance wide-area networking, and at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL), investigating ODE solvers and parallel sparse linear algebra methods.
In my free time, I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy, hiking, wood working, road and mountain biking, baking, and playing with Legos. On a whim in grad school, I learned a bit of Chinese (我叫盖马克). I've enjoyed some international travel to Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, China (Beijing, Xi'an, Huhehaote), and Taiwan. A few summers ago, we spent a month in Italy (San Lorenzo, Venice, Florence, Rome), Switzerland (Huémoz), Austria (Salzburg, Venice), and briefly Amsterdam, then had another trip to France (Bordeaux).
My math genealogy has a strong Illinois connection (Taub–Golub–Heath, Talbot–Westergaard, and Lambros), and a lot of interesting historical figures (Copernicus, Gauß, Weierstraß, Euler, ...). It's a big graph, so zoom out and scroll around. Thanks to David Alber for his Geneagrapher software.
CS 594: Scientific Computing for Engineers
I give a couple lectures on linear algebra in Jack Dongarra's CS 594 class.
Dense linear algebra, part 1
Dense linear algebra, part 2
Useful Links
- Knoxville weather: Weather Underground, Google, NWS, Yahoo, Weather Channel
References (see docs for more)
- LAPACK quick reference*, Routines list*, Prototypes*, LAPACK site
- BLAS quick reference, Fortran* and C version*, BLAS site
- LaTeX quick reference*, Short guide (AMS), Not-so-short guide, TeXShop
- MPI quick reference*, MPI Standard
- Fortran quick reference*
- Scientific Computing Software: Netlib, Linear algebra, GAMS
- MathWorld, Wikipedia, WordNet
- HTML and CSS, HTML style sheet, HTML entities*
- ALA on web standards
* written or compiled by me. See my documentation page for more information. If you find these useful or have updates, please let me know.